Cerbos on the B2B Software 100 list - The Notion Capital Cloud Challengers Report

Published by Anna Paykina on February 10, 2023
Cerbos on the B2B Software 100 list - The Notion Capital Cloud Challengers Report

Cerbos have been named one of Europe’s top 100 early stage B2B SaaS/Cloud companies in The Notion Capital Cloud Challengers Report.

The report evaluated companies based on their founders, funding, and product, which the team at Notion Capital label as key indicators of success for early stage companies. We are excited and honored to be part of this list!

Big thanks to our users and our amazing team for helping us grow and reach new milestones!

Head on over to the link to find Cerbos and learn more about the report: https://www.notion.vc/cloud-challengers-2023/introduction

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