Policy outputs, storage overlays and more - Cerbos v0.27 & v0.28 Release

Published by Alex Olivier on June 13, 2023
Policy outputs, storage overlays and more - Cerbos v0.27 & v0.28 Release

A bumper release notes post with v0.27 and v0.28 being rolled out in the last two weeks which adds support for user-defined outputs from policies, storage overlay support for fallback scenarios also Kafka and tests suites updates.

We have been working closely with users of Cerbos such as Blockchain.com, Utility Warehouse, 9fin, Salesroom, and Doorfeed on this release and can’t wait to hear more about what you would like to see in future releases - join our Slack community to join the conversation.

User-defined Policy Outputs

Cerbos now supports returning user-defined output values from policy evaluation. Policy authors define an optional expression to evaluate if a rule is activated and Cerbos collects and returns the set of outputs as part of the API response. This enables developers to take specific actions in their applications based on the outcome of an authorization check.

Support for this new feature has been added to the Cerbos Playground, and this example demonstrates how to return outputs.

See the outputs documentation for more information.

Testing Policy Outputs (v0.28)

v0.28 added in support to write policy tests to verify that your policies produce the correct output values. Checking for output values in tests is optional but, if you do define any output expectations, the tests will fail if the produced output does not match the expectations. See Validating and testing policies for information on testing.

Storage Overlay (v0.27)

The new overlay storage is a special driver that allows you to configure any two Cerbos storage drivers as base and fallback stores. If the base store becomes unavailable for some reason, Cerbos automatically switches to the fallback store until the base becomes available again. See the overlay documentation for more information.

Kafka Compression Support (v0.28)

Audit log entries written to Kafka can now be compressed using one of the supported compression algorithms. The default algorithm used is Snappy. Thanks to @shangardezi for contributing this feature.

You can find the full release notes for v0.27 and v0.28 on docs.cerbos.dev and if you have any questions join our Slack community.

Book a free Policy Workshop to discuss your requirements and get your first policy written by the Cerbos team