How to add authorization to an Angular application

Published by Alex Olivier on February 14, 2024
How to add authorization to an Angular application

Managing user access is a bedrock principle of app development, regardless of the development platform. In this brief guide, the Cerbos team will explore the basic steps and associated considerations involved in implementing authorization in an Angular application.

How to implement authorization in an Angular application: 7 simple steps

Step 1: Define your authorization requirements – The first step in implementing authorization in your Angular app is to define roles and their associated permissions. As with most other apps, roles typically include “user”, “admin” and “guest” and permissions take the form of “read-only”, “edit”, “delete” and more.

Step 2: Create an authentication mechanism – A robust authentication mechanism is a must-have if you are to achieve dependable authorization results. User authentication will be your way to verify user identities.

Step 3: Establish role-based access control – Associate the roles you created earlier with the appropriate users making sure to match permission with users using the Least Privilege Principle whereby users are assigned the fewest possible permissions necessary to perform their work.

Step 4: Implement Angular route guards – Angular route guards provide a simple way to control access to various routes within your application by checking permissions. Think of them as guard rails that ensure users stay within their assigned lane.

Step 5: Ensure communication with the backend server – It is imperative to create secure communication between the frontend of your Angular app and the backend server. You can do this by including authorization info such as user roles in the headers of HTTP requests, which ensures server-side authorization logic is respected and enforced.

Step 6: Implement error handling mechanisms – Errors happen and must be accounted for in the authorization mechanism for your Angular app. When a user attempts to access a resource they do not have permission for, or enters incorrect user information by mistake they should be redirected to an error page which displays an informative error message.

Step 7: Test your authorization mechanism – After having completed the above steps it is time to subject your authorization mechanism to robust testing. Test a variety of scenarios including unauthorized access attempts, inaccurate sign-in information, unauthorized access locations and more to ensure the viability of your authentication system. And do not forget to review your authentication mechanism regularly.


Successful implementation of an authorization mechanism for an Angular application typically follows the above steps. Each step helps ensure that the finished mechanism will be both user-friendly and capable of securing your important digital assets from misadventure.

However, another option to consider is decoupling authorization – therefore dodging the numerous potential challenges associated with building your own. If this sounds appealing to you, click here to learn more about Cerbos.

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