Announcement: Cerbos seed funding round

Published by Cerbos Team on November 30, 2021
Announcement: Cerbos seed funding round

When we started Cerbos we wrote about why we are building Cerbos so developers can stop reinventing the wheel when it comes to authorization and user permissions. Since then we have also refined our mission. We believe in a world where time is not wasted reinventing the wheel. Our mission is to make authorization a trusted plug-and-play solution. Cerbos provides an open core, language-agnostic, scalable authorization solution that aims to fulfil that mission.

Since March, we have built a truly global team, released many versions of Cerbos, open sourced the code base and acquired multiple customers using it in production.

When we started, our focus was on making life easier for developers who are tasked with implementing access control. We have since discovered that there are a multitude of other stakeholders who are as invested as the developers in this process: from SRE, operations and security teams to product owners, auditors, and managers. We aim to make sure Cerbos solves the individual and collaboration challenges of everyone involved.

During our conversations with all stakeholders at different levels, one of the main questions has always been about the business continuity of Cerbos. Everyone who is trusting Cerbos for such a critical piece of their infrastructure wants to make sure that we will be there in the long run to support them in their journey.

As a company, we also want to guarantee Cerbos is going to be a world-class software trusted by all the people who make use of it directly or indirectly. In order to guarantee long term success, we have decided to partner with world-class venture capitalists and investors who are also major operators with years of experience.

Today, we are happy to announce we've taken investment from an amazing set of investors specialized in many aspects of building an open source software company. Thank you for trusting in us: Crane, Earlybird, Seedcamp, 8-bit, OSS, Connect, HelloWorld, AceCap, Tiny and our amazing angel investors.

You can read more about Cerbos' seed funding on VentureBeat.

Cerbos Team

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