Cerbos appoints Alex Olivier to the role of Chief Product Officer

Published by Heidi Hokanson on January 12, 2024
Cerbos appoints Alex Olivier to the role of Chief Product Officer

Although the holiday season is over the Cerbos team still has one more occasion to celebrate. Alex Olivier has been promoted to the role of Chief Product Officer.

Alex is part of the founding team of Cerbos and has led product development from its initial release as an open-source authorization layer to the current offering of Cerbos Hub, the collaborative authorization management solution for writing, testing, and deploying access controls across apps and services.

Alex has spent his career designing enterprise solutions from the ground up as an engineer, consultant, tech lead, and product manager, always with an eye on the developer experience. At Microsoft, Qubit, Zencargo, and a myriad of startups, he designed platforms that helped teams move faster at scale, focusing on core components like authorization, data management, and security.

“Since joining Cerbos, Alex has been a pivotal force in our growth and success,” says CEO Emre Baran, “From coding to creating demos, pitching to clients, presenting at conferences, and representing us at numerous events, in every aspect, he has not just contributed but has led with vision and passion. Promoting Alex to CPO is our way of acknowledging that his contributions have been foundational to Cerbos. It is a recognition of the fact that his vision, dedication, and values are inseparable from the identity and future of our company.”

Please join us in congratulating Alex on this well-deserved recognition.

About Cerbos

Cerbos makes fine-grained access control easy to implement and manage while saving months of developer time. It improves security by making access control highly visible, and easy to keep up with changing requirements. It provides flexible tooling for authoring, testing, and deploying access policies, and seamlessly integrates into any architecture. It decouples authorization from application silos and makes it reusable by all your software code written in any language, and seamlessly scales from prototype to global deployment.

Book a free Policy Workshop to discuss your requirements and get your first policy written by the Cerbos team